Lemonade with mint

Lemonade with mint
I've always had the problem that I don't drink enough. Who knows?
It always helps me when water has a little taste. But I don't think it should be too sweet.

Here is a simple recipe for a refreshing drink in summer. I can definitely manage 2 liters a day with this :D

Ingredients for about one liter of juice:
10 lemons
8 limes

Ingredients for the drink:
ice cubes
Fresh mint
Agave syrup/elderberry syrup (optional)

Peel the lemons and limes and place in the juicer. You can cut the shells into small pieces and put them in oil, for example. Add some garlic or chili and you have a fine lemon oil and thus zero waste! :D

Fill glasses with ice cubes, mint and syrup. Add a large dash of juice and top up with sparkling water. Stir with a straw and enjoy!
The juice will keep in the fridge for several days
📸 and recipe from @veganwings_

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