What is cold press juicing?

First off, cold press juicing isn’t really about temperature. When a juice is cold pressed, it refers to the way it was obtained - by "squeezing" the fruits and vegetables. This is a bit like how wine used to be made (or sometimes still is made) by pressing the grapes (often with your feet!). This is as natural as can be, and in this example, pounding the grapes squeezes the natural goodness out of the grapes to allow the juice to ferment into wine and be further processed.

So when we press fruit and vegetables, the natural goodness is preserved. The insoluble fiber that acts like a broom for our digestive tract is removed and we get the soluble fiber that nourishes and nourishes our cells. All of the vitamins and minerals that we naturally absorb from eating fruit and vegetables remain intact with juice from a cold press juicer.


Benefits of Cold Pressed Juice

Well, for starters, it's better!

you get more.

More juice, more nutrients, more time to keep in the fridge, more benefit from the fruit and veg.

Cold-pressed juice is better than juice from a traditional juicer because all heat-sensitive nutrients like C vitamins and raw enzymes are preserved. It also preserves all of the valuable nutrients that are "blown away" in a machine that uses rapidly spinning blades (which generate heat) to squeeze the juice from the fruit and veg.
To be honest, most people don't give too much thought to juice.

Juice is juice, right?

Ummm, wrong.

Juices are so different.

From sugary juices that do nothing but spike blood sugar levels with processed sugar, to juices that don't look or taste like fresh juice.

After all, there's a reason people drink juice, right?

Yes, of course. Because it's a healthy drink that's good for you, your body and loved by your cells!

When chewing fruit

synthetic vitamins

When juicing with a kuvings juicer


With cold-pressed juices, you get more bang for your buck and it's also healthier to drink.


Slow Juicer vs Centrifugal Juicer

So you've already learned a little bit about cold pressing, which involves pressing (or squeezing) fruits and vegetables to extract the juice. The auger inside the machine rotates at about 52 rpm (repetitions per minute) - which, ironically, is about the same speed as we chew our food. This is what is called a Slow Juicer.

A traditional way of juicing fruits and vegetables is with a "centrifugal juicer," a juicer with blades that rotate at about 12,000 revolutions per minute (RPM).

After all, there's a reason people drink juice, right?

Yes, of course. Because it's a healthy drink that's good for you, your body and loved by your cells!

This way of juicing is super fast, but unfortunately doesn't provide as much nutritional value as many of the vitamins and minerals are lost in transit!

When you put fruit and veg in a juicer machine with rapidly spinning blades, those blades act like a machete - tearing up the fruit and veg and shredding it so you get the juice. As the blades rotate in the bowl, the juice is separated into the press bowl and the pulp ends up as waste (or compost) in the pulp bowl.

Fast-spinning blades naturally generate heat, meaning any heat-sensitive vitamins won't survive this journey and will be destroyed before you get them.

The result is a very watery, discolored juice. The juice has started to oxidize (decompose) naturally because it had to suck air into the machine to keep the blades spinning the way they do. You know this is the case because if you let this type of juice sit for a moment, the water separates from the soluble fiber (juice) due to the nature of the extraction.

The oxidation process begins the moment the device rips and tears open the fruit with its metal blades. This type of juice cannot be stored and must be drunk immediately. You still get some good stuff, of course, so don't freak out, just do some research on the two types of juicers that are available in the market.

The image below shows the difference between fast and slow (or cold-pressed juice).


Slow juicers squeeze and press at around 50-6 rpm. Fast juicers cut and grind at around 12,000 rpm.


What about the fiber?

Well, we don't always sit down to eat 10 carrots, 1 whole beet, 3 apples, 1 lemon and a thumb-sized piece of ginger - we just don't. But with a cold-press juicer, you can drink the juice in no time, and all the goodness of nature will enter your cells instantly. The juice doesn't need to be digested, you've already done that by removing the insoluble (non-degradable) fiber from it. So it can start, and it does start!!!

While we're at it, let's talk about the "elephant in the room" - fiber.

Okay, we all know we need fiber. Yes, that's right.

But believe me, when you eat plants - that is, fruits/vegetables - you get a lot of fiber. But did you know that fruits and vegetables contain two types of fiber?

Insoluble and soluble fiber.

Soluble fiber, as the name suggests, dissolves in water. Insoluble fiber does not do this. Our bodies use both, but our cells only use the soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber does not nourish our cells. Their job is to sweep our gut walls (like a broom) to get things out through the gut. They really are a great internal cleanser, so we need them.

However, when you drink juice, the insoluble fiber has already been removed. This is the point where many people despair. They know they need fiber, and when they see all that "pulp," aka insoluble fiber, falling into their pulp bin, they lose a bit of their mind. They worry they're missing out. And a lot of people try to use this porridge for baking and all sorts of things, thinking it's the holy water of juicing.

But that's a misconception.

Soluble fiber is what nourishes us. Soluble fiber contains all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and good salts. Our cells need soluble fiber to survive!

Insoluble fiber doesn't dissolve in water, it stays intact and flows through our gastrointestinal tract absorbing fluid, attaching to other byproducts of digestion and essentially forming our stool, which is passed through the intestines. That's his job. He is our inner sweeper.

Insoluble fiber does not contain anything good for our cells. Nothing. As I said before, her job is to be the broom

Does Cold Pressed Juice Contain Soluble Fiber?

Yes. Soluble fiber is the "holy water" - it nourishes and nourishes our cells.

So if you are juicing and removing all the insoluble fiber (into the pulp container), please don't worry about it, knowing that the juice you get from your cold press juicer is pure and unadulterated, just the way nature intended has - the healthiest juice on the planet!

Your body doesn't have to work hard to remove the insoluble fiber, the Juice Machine did it for you. You can drink it and your cells can use it - almost instantly!


Soluble fiber nourishes us, it is digestible and remains in a cold-pressed juice. Insoluble fiber is what is supposed to detoxify us, it is indigestible and is excreted.


Cold-pressed juice has a longer shelf life if it is stored in a cool place

Because the juice is slowly extracted by squeezing and squeezing, it has the added benefit of not only tasting better, but also keeping in glass bottles in the fridge for 3 days.

That's because no oxygen is drawn into the juicers to make the juice, so it naturally lasts longer in the fridge.

This is fantastic because you can make your juice in bulk.

Imagine buying seasonal produce at the local farmer's market, then juicing them ahead of time to make your week!

This way you can get the most out of your products while saving time, money and effort.

Cold-squeezed juice can be made in bulk and stored in the fridge so it's always available. It will enrich your life and give you a new way to absorb many important living ingredients that Mother Nature has to offer.


No oxidation means fresh cold-pressed juice keeps for up to 72 hours