Hallo, ich bin Jong-Boo Kim, Gründer und CEO von Kuvings.
Es ist mir eine große Freude, die Reise von Kuvings mit Ihnen zu teilen, und ich möchte meinen tiefen Dank für diese Gelegenheit ausdrücken. Seit 47 Jahren leite ich Kuvings als „Partner für ein gesundes und bequemes Leben“ und lege großen Wert darauf, stets auf die Stimmen jedes einzelnen Kunden zu hören. Diese Werte sind die Basis meiner Reise und haben bis heute für mich große Bedeutung.
In 1972 I started working as a door-to-door salesman for a blender manufacturer. It was a humble beginning, but one that was very instructive. During this time, I spoke directly to the customers and learned exactly what they expect from their kitchen electronics.
I saw firsthand how devices are changing lives. Without the right appliances, people have relied on unhealthy, prepackaged foods for quick and easy cooking.
However, when customers realized that they could include more fruits and vegetables in their diets with a quality blender, they were motivated to make lifestyle changes. Purchasing the device was her first step towards a healthier future. That impressed me a lot.
In 1978 I founded my own home appliance company, NUC CO. LTD. to bring a healthy lifestyle to households in my home country, South Korea.
I wanted to find new ways to easily utilize fruit and vegetables. At the time, many health gurus were talking about the unique benefits of juicing, and I was intrigued. After doing some research, I learned that juicing raw foods allows the body to absorb the nutrients faster. Aha! I had found my next project. I knew I wanted to make my own slow masticating juicer. During my research, I learned that this type of juicer is the most efficient device for juicing due to the low grinding speed. Also, I wanted to make this product available around the world because a healthy lifestyle is a global need.
In 2007, my team and I founded the "Kuvings" brand. The name is a combination of the German word "Kitchen" and the English word "living".
The name describes Kuvings' focus: improving life in the kitchen and consumer well-being with practical, innovative products. This has been my goal since the 1970's and the Kuvings brand is achieving this on a global scale with new technology.
In addition to our own factories in South Korea, Kuvings now has branches and sales partners in over 8 countries. I'm very proud of how far we've come.
We asked ourselves, "How can we make the juicing process more convenient?" Then we realized that preparing the ingredients before juicing can be time-consuming.
After extensive research and development, Kuvings developed the world's first Whole Slow Juicer in 2012. By 2021 we have patents pending in 65 countries.
Traditional slow juicers have a 1- to 2-inch feed chute that forces the user to cut ingredients extensively before juicing. Whole Slow Juicers have a 3-3.2 inch wide hopper large enough for a whole apple. Most ingredients can be fed into the device without cutting them, reducing prep time.
It was difficult to design a low-speed motor powerful enough to process whole ingredients, but our hard work paid off. Unlike traditional slow juicers, the motor in each Whole Slow Juicer has the power to crush large chunks without losing valuable nutrients.
Darüber hinaus trägt Kuvings Verantwortung für eine nachhaltige Umwelt. Wir möchten zukünftigen Generationen eine bessere Welt hinterlassen und legen daher bei jedem Produkt großen Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit. Diese Philosophie und Verantwortung sind in all unseren Produkten verankert, und es ist unser wichtigstes Ziel, stets eine Qualität zu bieten, auf die sich unsere Kunden verlassen können.

Quality assurance is very important to me. We constantly test our products and look for ways to improve them. For this reason we have increased our investments in research and development centers. I am firmly convinced that you cannot develop as a brand if you do not question and innovate your products.
There are many imitation products on the market and we keep testing our products to ensure our quality. We see that our products are unmistakably better, and I think our customers see that too.
There are many cases when ideas come unexpectedly from everyday life.
For example, while driving, I thought about my car and how the technology built into it makes my driving experience so much more enjoyable. I've been thinking about how to use some of the practical technologies, such as B. the Bluetooth connection, could be integrated into our products.
I've also gotten ideas from watching science fiction films. In films like this, new technologically advanced worlds are imagined and they make me think about the future of home appliances.
Ultimately, I think it's important to be open to ideas and inspiration from our everyday environment. We live in an age where behind everything ordinary is powerful technology. Stopping and thinking about this technology and its potential applications can be the start of a great idea.

Managerin: esthernoh@nuc.co.kr
CS-Team: info@kuvings.de