Juicing for a healthy lifestyle: 6 habits

Juicing is an effective strategy to improve your well-being because it allows you to consume more nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables. The following habits around juicing can contribute significantly to a healthier lifestyle.

1. Prioritize hydration

2. Start batch juicing

3. Choose healthier alternatives

4. Juice more vegetables

5. Store your juice properly

6. Keep your juicer clean

kuvings Prioritize hydration

1. Prioritize hydration

Boost your well-being by prioritizing hydration in your daily routine. Proper hydration regulates body temperature, lubricates joints, prevents infection, supports organ function, and facilitates the elimination of waste. Drinking juice can be a beneficial strategy to maintain hydration, especially for people who don't like plain water. While juice won't completely replace water in your diet, it's a flavorful and appealing alternative that supports hydration. Juice water-rich ingredients and add spring or coconut water to your juice. You can also freeze your juice in ice cubes and drink it with water. Hydration through these methods can contribute to a more vibrant and health-conscious lifestyle.

kuvings Start batch juicing

2. Start batch juicing

Juicing regularly can increase your nutrient intake, aid digestion, strengthen your immune system, and provide many other health benefits. However, making time to juice every day can be challenging.

One effective solution is batch juicing, where you make larger batches of juice several days in advance. This way, you don't have to juice every day, but you can still enjoy fresh juice on a regular basis. This approach can help establish a consistent and stress-free juicing routine.

For those looking for a convenient way to incorporate juicing into their daily routine, our Handsfree Slow Juicer AUTO10 could be the solution. This device allows you to add whole fruits and vegetables, start the juicer, and move on to other tasks. The AUTO10 is designed to simplify the juicing process and help you save time while maintaining a regular juicing routine.

kuvings Choose healthier alternatives

3. Choose healthier alternatives

Choosing healthier alternatives in your diet allows you to maintain the enjoyment of foods and drinks while minimizing concerns about their impact on your health. Instead of milkshakes, ice cream and cow's milk, you can opt for smoothies, sorbets and plant-based milks. These alternatives have the advantage of containing fewer calories, fat, sugar and carbohydrates, making them suitable for people who are lactose intolerant or who prefer a dairy-free diet.

For a social gathering without the alcohol, mocktails or non-alcoholic drinks are a tasty alternative to traditional cocktails. What's particularly practical is that you can easily prepare mocktails with a juicer, since their main ingredient is juice.

Our versatile juicers make the transition to a healthier lifestyle even easier. Thanks to special sieves, you can effortlessly make not only juices, but also smoothies, sorbets and plant-based milk!

kuvings Juicing more vegetables

4. Juice more vegetables

Although fruits and vegetables are essential components of a healthy diet, many people tend to reach for fruits and not consume enough vegetables. Juicing vegetables offers a convenient solution to increase intake of essential nutrients and soluble fiber without having to eat large amounts of leafy greens.

We recommend focusing on vegetable-rich juices and adding fruit only as needed for flavor enhancement. By juicing vegetables like carrots, celery, beets, spinach, and kale, you can easily increase your consumption of vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients that help support overall health.

kuvings store your juice properly

5. Store your juice properly

A healthy diet benefits significantly from the intake of essential nutrients, which are present in abundance in freshly squeezed juices. The art of preserving these valuable nutrients lies in storing the juice properly.

Here are some best practices:

Ideal storage containers: Glass bottles, mason jars and stainless steel bottles are the containers of choice. They effectively protect the juice from light and air, two factors that can affect its quality.

Shelf life and storage conditions:

The juice can be stored for up to 2 hours at room temperature . This limited time window results from the rapid loss of nutrients and bacterial growth at room temperature.

In the refrigerator, the juice stays fresh for up to 3 days . Cooling slows down oxidation and bacterial growth.

When frozen, the shelf life is extended to up to 3 months . Use ice cube trays or bottles for this method and leave room for the liquid to expand to avoid container breakage.

Vacuum sealing to prevent oxidation : Some people also choose to vacuum seal their juices to further limit oxidation. Avoid filling the containers to the brim to prevent liquid from being sucked into the vacuum device.

Pay attention to quality: Do not exceed the recommended storage times to prevent the formation of spoiled juice. Regularly monitor the taste, color and smell of your juice to ensure it remains fresh and edible.

6. Keep your juicer clean

Cleanliness of kitchen appliances is essential for a healthy lifestyle. By keeping your kitchen appliances clean, you prevent bacteria, viruses and allergens from getting into your food and potentially endangering your health.

It is especially important to clean your juicer immediately after use. Do not leave it dirty in the sink. Leftover pulp can harden and affect the efficiency of your appliance.

By cleaning regularly and thoroughly, you not only protect your health, but also ensure that your juicer always functions optimally.

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