Carrot Pomace Crackers Recipe

Healthy crackers made from pomace!

Enjoy freshly squeezed carrot juice with our Kuvings Slow Juicer and use the leftover pulp to make crispy crackers. Healthy diet snacks make life easier!

60g carrot pomace
50g quinoa
30g pecans
30g cashew nuts
50g spelt flakes
30g chia seeds, soak
20g sesame
20g sunflower seeds
1 tbsp oil
Splash of water


Soak the chia seeds in a splash of water for about 20 minutes until they swell. Cook the quinoa according to the instructions on the packet and drain off any excess water.
Put all the ingredients in a bowl and knead. Once you can form a cohesive lump, you have the right consistency.

Spread the mixture thinly on baking paper or a greased baking tray and press it down firmly. Bake at 180 degrees for 40-60 minutes until the dough is completely dry and crispy.

Have fun trying it out!

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