Zero waste tea

Zero waste Tee

Zero waste tea

Sustainable pure enjoyment
the environmentally friendly tea, created from leftover pomace from the @kuvingsgermany Slow Juicers. Try the refreshing and sustainable tea creation now!

Did you know that you should actually drink warm drinks for refreshment in summer? Hot tea in summer regulates body temperature by increasing perspiration.

- Orange, lemon, mango, carrot, ginger pomace, etc.
- 1-2 liters of water (depending on the amount of pomace)
- some sweetness
- 2-3 fresh lemon slices

1. Boil pomace with water in a large saucepan. Simmer on low for about 10 minutes.
2. Then provide a large carafe and place a sieve over it. Pour the contents of the pot through the sieve and collect the liquid in the carafe.

Tip from @veganwings_
I sweetened the tea with some agave syrup and then enjoyed it.
You can also make delicious iced tea out of the whole thing!

Photo and recipe by @veganwings_

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